Fractional Real
Estate Investing
For Everyone

Ardhio is a pioneering digital marketplace for fractional ownership in real estate, embodying the principles of modern real estate syndication.

Our platform caters to both experienced and new investors, offering user-friendly access and detailed analytics for informed decision-making.

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How it Works?

Democratized investment opportunities with fewer steps and more access. Invest in premium real estate with as little as $1,000.
Decide to Buy or Sell a Rental
Browse or List Property Specifications
Buy or Sell Shares
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Browse property specifications
(due diligence)
Buy equity shares
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Features &Benefits

It is our mission to develop a user-friendly platform that makes it easy for anyone in the world to invest in real estate.

Diversification within
an asset class
Alternative to
financial markets
No management headaches
Low investment threshold

Leap institutional
gentrification and find local opportunities

There is a HIGH BARRIER of entry for locals to own investment real estate in their neighborhood, especially in gentrifying communities. Ardhio is increasing the affordable & market-rate housing inventory ahead of gentrification in a way that allows locals to invest at a FRACTION of the cost with the same ROI.

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Meet TheTeam

Aaron Laster
Founder of Ardhio, Inc.
Kelli Jones
Founder of Be Nimble Co. (Business Advisor)
Roger Lee
Hoosier Investor (Business Advisor)
Soroya Garner
Founder of Soroya Garner Law, LLC (Legal Advisor)